It’s a Wrap – BLUEPrint 2017

Greg White

Greg White


BLUEPrint 2017, our annual user conference, just concluded with two jam-packed days in Atlanta, and I’m sure like all of you that attended, the Blue Ridge team is attempting to catch our breath.  Before we all get deep in the weeds of our day to day jobs, we thought we would take a moment and reflect on the happenings of the conference.

We shared our insights and heard from customers that shared their knowledge and allowed us to learn from their transformational supply chain experiences.  These compelling customer success stories from foodservice, wine & spirits to retail showed how with the right people and the right process behind our technology, the sky is the limit to what can be achieved.

In the dynamic keynote presentations, one focused on ‘The Amazon Effect’ and how the landscape of commerce is changing and you must adapt your supply chain to survive. Who would have thought we could have enemies with benefits? And of course, Dr. Jennifer Priestley wowed us all explaining how data science and predictive analytics are enabling new depths to which we can understand our customers and thereby more precisely forecast demand and plan your supply chain.

We’ve long cultivated BLUEPrint to be, first and foremost, ‘a community gathering’ that facilitates discussion amongst peers and across industries. This year we challenged attendees to take home two new thoughts and implement two new ideas. In 2017, attendees loudly proclaimed the most valuable aspect to be the numerous networking sessions where everyone had the opportunity to share their risks, rewards and rebounds with their peers. I’ve already noticed on LinkedIn that many of you have connected post-conference, we encourage all our attendees to grow and deepen these connections for future knowledge sharing

Things I Heard….

“The time spent networking and sharing ideas with other attendees was invaluable…”

“Dr. Priestley’s presentation was thought provoking and spurred a lot of ideas that I am taking back with me…”

“The customer success presentations were valuable knowing that others are facing and have overcome similar challenges…”

You don’t want to miss next year. Mark your calendars for Spring 2018 – dates coming soon. Most importantly, make sure to follow through on your takeaways, and use your learnings to positively change your business. Do this and there’ll be no denying your case for fitting BLUEPrint in the budget this year for attending next year.

On behalf of the entire Blue Ridge team, we look forward to seeing you next year at BLUEPrint ’18!