Blue Ridge Launches Supply Chain Planning Solutions at Grolls AB

Blue Ridge implements cloud-native retail solution to maximize profits and balance inventory at Grolls AB, one of Sweden and Norway's leading and fastest growing personal protective equipment wholesale and retail chain.


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Blue Ridge announced today that the fastest growing personal protection equipment (PPE) and workwear chain, Grolls, will implement the Blue Ridge Supply Chain Planning and Supply Chain Analytics solution. Grolls will deploy the demand forecasting, planning and optimization suite to operate more efficiently by precisely aligning supply with demand. Grolls expects this implementation will provide greater supply chain visibility and control that will enable the company to maximize their growth.

 Quote startOne of the advantages of the Blue Ridge Supply Chain Planning tool is the unprecedented planning precision. This precision is possible because of the big data processing and virtually limitless scalability that is enabled by the cloud.Quote end
Grolls business operates 48 stores, includes resellers and supports 35,000 active end-customers across all of Scandinavia. Generating 110 million USD in annual revenue, the chain is strongly influenced by seasonal patterns and the ability to meet the demand in a multi-echelon environment.

Similar to other retail chains that operate across a large or diverse geographic area, Grolls needed a solution that could mitigate long supplier lead times and seasonal inventory challenges. Because Grolls operates in such a large geographical area in Scandinavia and the Baltics, start-dates on seasonal products vary from item to item, putting pressure on the purchasing department to have very precise planning.

Grolls underwent a fusion with their sister company, Univern, in 2012 and needed a solution to support demand planning for the distribution centers (DC´s) in both countries. The two companies had different customers, different distribution structures, and two separate ERP platforms. Blue Ridge's Supply Chain Planning solution will unify the companies across country borders.

Blue Ridge´s Nordic implementation and education partner Inventory Investment Sweden AB, is set to launch the implementation and expects the Grolls Group will yield rapid results. “Our experience with industries similar to Grolls suggests that our cloud platform is key to freeing up working capital, essential to fueling further growth,” stated Sverre Rosmo, CEO of Inventory Investment AB. Rosmo continued, “One of the advantages of the Blue Ridge Supply Chain Planning tool is the unprecedented planning precision. This precision is possible because of the big data processing and virtually limitless scalability that is enabled by the cloud. This will give Grolls significant leverage when it comes to strategic planning and growth in the market.”

About Blue RIdge

Blue Ridge Supply Chain Planning and Price Optimization solutions empower distributors and retailers to tap into undiscovered margin through enterprise-wide inventory intelligence, automation and synchronization. Blue Ridge uniquely combines demand forecasting with pricing strategy, so that businesses can proactively understand the unpredictable and allocate the right inventory – right-priced across the entire mix – to accelerate top- and bottom-line results. In a world where the only constant is change, Blue Ridge provides more certainty, more speed, and more assurance – so companies can see the why behind the buy, and respond faster to the unexpected. That’s why major retailers and distributors rely on Blue Ridge for a more foreseeable future. For more information, go to