Blue Ridge Executives Discuss The Future of Supply Chain at Nordics Supply Chain Conference

Conference highlighted new perspectives and game-changing technology to drive supply chain innovation.

Atlanta, Ga. and Oslo, Norway -- July 6, 2016

Blue Ridge, a global leader in cloud demand forecasting, planning, replenishment, allocation and analytics, sponsored the 8th annual Nordics Supply Chain Conference at Losby Gods Manor in Oslo, Norway attracting a record number of attendees.  At this year’s conference, supply chain leaders from premier Nordic companies explained how game-changing innovations in their supply chain have dramatically reduced operating costs, increased revenues and improved organizational performance.

“It was remarkable to have customers, partners, and potential customers converge with a common goal: innovating their supply chain approach and technology to better serve the end customer, while also improving their top and bottom line,” said Sverre Rosmo, managing director of Inventory Investment AS. “The academic leaders, keynote speakers, customer showcases and industry vertical discussions were extremely impactful and the attendees are excited to implement these learned methods.”

 Quote startMany retailers and distributors are examining their supply chains and challenging the status quo. There is growing recognition that commerce today is posing challenges that require new methodologies and technologies.Quote end

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Featuring keynote presentations by Atle Nordli, quantum methods professor at the Norwegian School of Management and Greg White, CEO at Blue Ridge, the conference sessions highlighted transformational supply chain case studies from Icopal, REMA Distribution, Bilglassgruppen and Vectura.

Kathrine Halstenstad and Bjørn Christer Fredriksen, both Supply Chain Managers at Vectura noted, “Blue Ridge cloud-native technology has revolutionized our supply chain, enabling us to be more competitive and providing increases in revenue, while also dramatically improving service levels. And with Blue Ridge technology as a foundation, we are steadily growing our position as trusted advisors to our key stakeholders – the wine importers. The technology is instrumental to our continued success and growth.”

“Many retailers and distributors are examining their supply chains and challenging the status quo. There is growing recognition that commerce today is posing challenges that require new methodologies and technologies,” stated Greg White, CEO of Blue Ridge. “The stories presented by our customers continue to inspire us to keep delivering capabilities that transform their businesses.”

About Blue RIdge

Blue Ridge Supply Chain Planning and Price Optimization solutions empower distributors and retailers to tap into undiscovered margin through enterprise-wide inventory intelligence, automation and synchronization. Blue Ridge uniquely combines demand forecasting with pricing strategy, so that businesses can proactively understand the unpredictable and allocate the right inventory – right-priced across the entire mix – to accelerate top- and bottom-line results. In a world where the only constant is change, Blue Ridge provides more certainty, more speed, and more assurance – so companies can see the why behind the buy, and respond faster to the unexpected. That’s why major retailers and distributors rely on Blue Ridge for a more foreseeable future. For more information, go to